As a newly evolving industry, growers and dispensaries are still figuring out the best solution for security in the cannabis industry. Remote guarding offers a cost-effective, hands-on approach to protecting product, staff, and clients — and it may soon become the industry standard.
As the 21st century marches onward towards what certainly looks like total legality of cannabis, those who are spearheading this new industry require creative ideas to competently (and affordably) secure their business operations and personnel. By nature, dispensaries will have many people coming and going at all hours of the day. On top of that, this is a cash-centric industry that is still figuring out how to operate safely while keeping so much cash on hand. When you combine those factors with the reality that there also exists a huge quantity of valuable product on-site, it becomes immediately clear that security is at the top of the priority heap when running a cannabis dispensary.
So, what are the viable options to guard a dispensary? Obviously, an on-site guard is useful in a dispensary setting, but they can’t be everywhere at once. A single guard is also easily overwhelmed by an organized, multi-person robbery team… especially depending on the level of quality and training in regards to the guard themselves.
Remote guarding is a new and increasingly attractive option for many industries, but for cannabis dispensaries in particular. Galaxy Protection can set up a sophisticated network of HD cameras that record everything and everyone inside the dispensary. But that’s not where it ends: a live, dedicated team of trained professionals monitors these feeds in real time, and is able to intervene as an incident occurs. This can shave time off of law enforcement arriving with knowledge of the situational parameters, and can be the difference between successful apprehension of a suspect and a huge headache and financial loss.
Finally, exciting remote guarding technology like facial recognition, license plate recognition, and access control (remotely granting/denying access to specific rooms) can secure your dispensary to a nearly impenetrable level.
Remote guarding has huge benefits for cannabis growers, as well. Whether you grow your crops indoors or outdoors, they need to be protected around the clock, lest someone comes to steal your hard work and assets right out from underneath you. Yet, it can be challenging to guard an entire warehouse or outdoor crop field using traditional methods. Not so with remote guarding: your personal security team can monitor your grow site 24/7.
That means that someone is constantly watching your plants, and can pass along critical information to law enforcement if necessary. Not only that, but a comprehensively recorded, crystal-clear HD log of any criminal activity on your premises can be of critical help in an insurance or legal setting. Don’t get caught up in a “he said, she said” situation — instead, have indisputable evidence of exactly what went on at your grow site, and protect your hard work and financial investment.
Although the cannabis industry is relatively new, the Galaxy Protection team has already positioned themselves as a pioneer in real, actionable, and affordable security solutions for both dispensaries and growers in multiple states. If you have a question about how Galaxy Protection can possibly help your cannabis business thrive and remain utterly secure, contact us today for a totally free consultation.