In today’s climate, school security isn’t just a matter of preventing petty crime and vandalism — it’s the ability to quickly and decisively respond to an active threat without making the situation even more volatile. When you establish a remote guarding system at your school or university, you’re making a huge investment in your ability to keep your students and staff safe, and proving to insurance companies and potential applicants that you take security seriously.
The cost of a school security system that leverages remote guarding technology from Galaxy Protection is far more affordable — and effective — than traditional guarding methods. The days are gone where one or two guards patrolling on foot could reasonably be considered an adequate attempt at campus safety. Schools and universities are frequent targets for serious crime; but with your Galaxy Protection agents monitoring campus activity through technologies like facial recognition, license plate recognition, and two-way audio, you can be assured that you’re taking proactive steps to protect every corner of your school.
On average, Virtual Security Guards pay for themselves in 9 months compared to a traditional on-site guard.
Our highly trained security operatives will verify the event is taking place, and will decide upon the most appropriate course of action
The remote security team will review the event via your custom school security camera system to make sure it’s not a false alarm
Depending on the incident's nature, a virtual security officer may intervene via two-way audio to communicate with or deter the suspect
If appropriate, the Galaxy Protection team will summon law enforcement as the incident develops, and inform them of all pertinent details
A guard on the ground can only see what’s in their immediate area. On a sprawling school campus, that’s simply inadequate to offer real, actionable protection to students and staff in the event of an emergency or crime in progress. Remote guarding with Galaxy Protection means having real, local, and trained security experts actively monitoring the goings-on of your school to determine who should — and shouldn’t — be there.
If a security event does begin to unfold, our agents can use all available technology to impede the perpetrator(s) in real time. That can take the form of two-way audio, taking away access to sensitive doors or hallways, or using facial scanning to investigate an individual and report to law enforcement in real time. Remote guarding takes the reaction time once a security event begins, and reduces it to an absolute minimum before law enforcement can respond to the scene with full situational awareness. That’s an aspect of virtual guarding for schools that can result in literal lives saved, on a day that we all hope never comes to fruition.