Hospital security has evolved significantly since the days of fuzzy, standard definition CCTV systems and a questionably-vetted “rent-a-guard” half asleep at their post.
By definition, medical facilities are a bustling hub of human activity, with people constantly coming and going — often at all hours of the day and night. In such an environment, it takes an alert, watchful eye to discern who is supposed to be there… and who isn’t. Be honest: can a dozing security guard really provide effective protection for your entire medical facility, patients, and staff?
It’s time to embrace technology’s generous advancements in the security sector over the last few years. It’s time to implement a robust remote guarding solution for your hospital or medical center. The Galaxy Protection team doesn’t sleep, and we’re always watching every corner of your facility with total readiness to respond in the event of an incident.
After custom designing a network of advanced HD cameras with facial recognition technology, your Galaxy security team — comprised of trained, competent professionals — will be constantly watching and protecting you. You worry about the patients, and we’ll worry about keeping you safe.
On average, Virtual Security Guards pay for themselves in 9 months compared to a traditional on-site guard.
Our trained, expert security operatives will confirm that the event is taking place, and will confer to decide upon the most appropriate course of action
Your remote security team will review the event via your custom medical center video surveillance system to make sure it’s not a false alarm
Depending on the nature of the security incident, a virtual security officer may intervene via two-way audio or deny access to sensitive rooms
If appropriate, the Galaxy Protection team will summon law enforcement as the incident develops, and inform them of all pertinent details
Medical facilities are sensitive locations with data and patients that need protecting. Like any building that the general public has access to, you need to remain vigilant and confident that you’re doing right by your staff and patients by keeping them safe from bad actors. Galaxy Protection offers a robust, yet affordable security solution that allows you to record in crystal clear HD the goings-on of your hospital or medical center from virtually every angle. When you add in sophisticated features like facial recognition and the ability to grant/deny access to specific sensitive rooms or areas of your building, you suddenly gain way more confidence and control in your security measures… while simultaneously saving important budget resources.